The quality committee of GGAWB e.V. has agreed on the following regulation:
Plastic and metal mobile 2-wheeled and 4-wheeled waste and recycling containers: capacity up to 1700 liters, are developed, manufactured and certified in accordance with the European Standard EN 840 and the RAL Quality Guideline RAL-GZ 951/1 and RAL-GZ 951/2, respectively. The demands made on a container defined in these specifications are such that normal use of the waste and recycling container is guaranteed. The compaction of the bulk material in the waste and recycling container is hereafter not considered as normal use.
Extraordinary pressure being put on the contents of material inside the waste and recycling container that could possibly come into contact with hard objects and consequently deforming and/or penetrating the container walls is not regulated by any testing requirements. As a result, the GGAWB advises its company members not to assume liability for the use of their waste and recycling containers in combination with waste presses.