Quality assessment and testing requirements for steel mobile waste and recycling containers
1. Area of application
2. Quality requirements
2.1 General
2.2. Requirements for waste and recycling containers
2.2.1 Steel grade
2.2.2 Body structure and workmanship
2.2.3 Dimensions
2.2.4 Volumes
2.2.5 Load
2.2.6 Mass of the entire waste and recycling container
2.2.7 Tilting test
2.2.8 “Kerb travel” – fall test
2.2.9 “Kerb travel” – run test, 4 wheeled only
2.2.10 Impact test against a wall
2.2.11 Stability
2.2.12 Pulling test
2.3 Requirements for waste and recycling container components
2.3.1 Handles / Lifting trials
2.3.2 Wheel testing
2.3.4 Lid testing
3. Test requirements
3.1 Test temperatures
3.2 Test load
3.3 Steel grade
3.3.1 Tests on steel grades
3.4 Tests carried out on waste and recycling containers
3.4.1 Body structure and workmanship
3.4.2 Dimensions
3.4.3 Volumes
3.3.4 Mass
3.4.5 Tilting test
3.4.6 “Kerb travel” – fall test
3.4.7 “Kerb travel” – run test, 4-wheeled waste and recycling containers only
3.4.8 Impact test against a wall, 4-wheeled waste and recycling containers only
3.4.9 Stability
3.4.10 Pulling test
3.5 Testing for waste and recycling container components
3.5.1 Handle / lifting test for 4-wheeled waste and recycling containers only
3.5.2 Wheel testing
3.5.3 Break test for 4-wheeled waste and recycling containers only
3.5.4 Lid test
4. Monitoring
4.1 Overview
4.2 Initial test
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Content and scope of initial test
4.3 Internal monitoring
4.4 External monitoring
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Content and scope of external monitoring
4.5 Repeat test
5. Marking / labelling
6. Modifications / Amendments
7. Enclosures
Enclosure 1: Concerning quality and test regulations
Procedure requirements for the awarding and use of the Quality Mark “waste and recycling containers” carrying the material grade specific label:
1. Fundamentals of quality
2. Awarding
3. Use
4. Monitoring
5. Disciplinary actions in case of violations
6. Complaints
7. Re-awarding
8. Revisions
Sample 1 Certificate of Commitment
Sample 2 Award Certificate
Durchführungsbestimmungen für die Verleihung und Führung des Gütezeichens „Abfall- und Wertstoffbehälter“ mit der jeweiligen werkstoffspezifischen Inschrift
1. Gütegrundlage
2. Verleihung
3. Benutzung
4. Überwachung
5. Ahndung von Verstößen
6. Beschwerde
7. Wiederverleihung
8. Änderungen
Muster 1 Verpflichtungsschein
Muster 2 Verleihungsurkunde
The GA-K (Güteausschuss Kunststoff = Quality Committee for Plastics) compiles amendments of the quality assessment and testing requirements as and when required that, until the up-date of the RAL GZ 951/1, are defined as additional for granting the required GZ (Quality Mark) procedural requirements.

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