Waste containers that carry the "RAL" quality mark symbolize and guarantee waste disposal contractors and affiliated service providers the highest functional qualities, work safety, environmental protection and compliance with applicable standards in the harsh daily working conditions of municipal and industrial waste collectors.
Gütegemeinschaft Abfall- und Wertstoffbehälter has the sole right of awarding a registered "RAL" quality mark for waste and recycling containers once the applicant has successfully demonstrated compliance with the relevant quality and test requirements for manufacturers and products.
The underlying quality and testing requirements were developed by "RAL" (German Institute for Quality Assurance and Product Identification) using an approval process created in conjunction with the Ministry of Economic Affairs, concerned expert groups as well as the appropriate authorities.
Each quality tested waste container is visibly embossed with a quality mark and also carries a materials identification label.
Current information about each supplier's status of quality assured waste and recycling containers can be obtained from the head office of the quality association (contact form).